Tuesday, November 7, 2023

New On line Exclusives are available today.

Please be sure you are shopping with me when using the link.

Here is a link to get to them. I also have a current host code if you would like to place an order and use my Host Code. T7DNKDCH

As always thank you for shopping with me. If you have any questions, 

please contact me at skschudi1@msn.com or 763-227-8294

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Best Destination Kit

Check out the new kit! I am ready for any of those destinations after this snow a couple days ago!
I do have a host code T7DNKDCH if you would like to order one or anything else. I will be placing an order on November 7th when we get to see the new bunch of On Line Exclusives that come out.

Let me know what you think of the new kit?