Sunday, June 23, 2024

A little different post today. It's all about Molly!


This is our Molly. She is now 11 years old and is so much fun to have with us. She is going to go stay with her Grandma, my Mom, for a day or two. We are having a roof replaced and she would go crazy with the nailing etc. She gets very scared now during rain and thunderstorms. She shakes so bad. Her safest place is under the bed in the dark or snuggled up with us helps a little. Do you have a pet that does that? 

We have tried the Thunderjacket and spray and that helps a bit for her, but she is such a hot animal that it gets too hot for her. Our Groomer has recommended the Melts with CBD and that seems to help but just short term. The vet suggested a half of benedryl and that is short term too. When I say short term about 2 hours max. Short of going to a longer prescription med I don't know of anything else. 

Do any of you have pets that have some of these issues? Do you have any other suggestions? I would love to hear from you.

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